19./20. February 2022

„I long, as every human being does, to be at home wherever I find myself.“ Maya Angelou


  • Through the crucible of these exquisite Movement Medicine practices, we learn together to re-weave ourselves into the belonging of nature. We explore how to belong ourselves here, in these times as dancers, as dreamers, as deeply creative, free and sovereign beings.
  • We will explore the theme of ‘belonging in self’ from the perspective of IFS (Internal Family Systems, which is grounded in cultivating a compassionate presence of welcoming all parts of self, including and ‘inviting home’ the places where we feel we don’t belong.)

“one small thing I’ve learned these years, how to be alone, and at the edge of aloneness how to be found by the world.”  ― David Whyte‘

  • We will explore the sense of belonging on the golden thread of time, visiting and befriending Ancestral companions and honouring the adversity, love and strength of our Ancestors whatever has been.

David Mooney is a School of Movement Medicine Faculty member and a fully qualified psychotherapist, he integrates these skills and his passion for shamanic pathways into his work in Ireland and extensively throughout Europe.

“David is very gifted teacher of Movement Medicine. His commitement to every member of his workshops is outstanding!“  Pat Burnicardi, Grandmother, psychotherapist, dancer


18. Feb 2022 18.30-21.00 OPEN EVENING: „Awaken the dancer in you“
19./20. Feb. 2022 – WORKSHOP


CONTACT: [email protected]

Open Evening / Workshop


FIERCE LOVING A 5 Rhythms Workshop with Adam Barley (Heartbeat level)

31 März-2 April


“You cannot truly make love if your anger is blocked” Ida Kelarova – School for Human Voice

Loving is fierce! At least sometimes. To truly love we have to be willing and able to be passionate, to allow the animal in us breathing space, to be able to say “Yes!” or “No!” with everything we have – body heart and mind.
The emotional energy necessary for this kind of loving is the creative side of the energy we call anger. Anger that is a big wide field of experience: not just the blame and rage that can be so destructive in relationship, but the hot-blooded, whole-hearted feeling states that range from a highly disciplined integrity to a wild fire-storm strong enough to protect our children. It’s what gives us the ability to stand for something, defend innocence, to say no to bullshit whether our own or somebody else’s.
Most of us didn’t learn to move with this energy in creative ways, to channel it in service to love and life, staying emotionally healthy with it. Instead we have socially dysfunctional withhold/erupt patterns, with long-term suppressed anger lurking under the surface that bursts out at inappropriate moments, with an intensity and violence that’s way out of proportion to the situation.
The rhythms help us regain our power with anger so we’re not victims to it – either our own or other people’s. To give space for our vulnerability and fears. To embody all these feelings thoroughly, without judgement . To unearth the old buried stuff and let it go. To take responsibility for our feelings and use them creatively. To rediscover anger as the magnificent natural expression of life-force that it can be. And ultimately to go through anger so deeply that it becomes a meditation, a profound dive into the mysterious heart of all things that gives us the inner authority to love even when the going gets tough, so that tenderness is sweeter and more real than it’s ever been.

Jugendzentrum Andritz, Prohaskagasse 21 Graz

225,-€/ 200,- € Jagati Mitglieder

Frühbucherpreis bis 1. März 2017: 200,-€/185€ Jagati Mitglieder

Infos und Anmeldungen: [email protected]

CARNEVAL – ein Tag mit den Archetypen des Weiblichen


Es gibt so viele Bilder und Zuschreibungen von und über Frauen, die uns erklären (möchten) wer und was wir Frauen sind.  Lassen wir sie Revue passieren, einzeln oder auch Hand in Hand mit ihren weiblichen Verwandten und Freundinnen .

Tanzen wir mit den 5RHYTHMEN (noch einmal) hinein ins Feld der Archetypen des Weiblichen,  jenen Raum der Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten unseres Frau-Seins, den wir mit all unseren Ahninnen teilen

Tanzen und feiern wir die Bilder und Rollen, in die wir Frauen immer wieder schlüpfen – aus Gewohnheit, aus Notwendigkeit, als Spiel; manchmal weil wir es müssen – diesmal WEIL WIR ES SO WOLLEN!

mit: Eva Brunner



Datum: Samstag 11.Februar 2016
Zeit: 11.00-18.00 (ink. Pausen)
Ort: Studio Ki (Burggasse 9, 2.Stock, Barocksaal) GRAZ
Beitrag:  €90,-
–> €80,- für Mitglieder des Verein JAGATI
–> €75,- FRÜHBUCHER bei Anmeldung und Einzahlung bis 14.Jänner 2017
–> € 50,- Schülerinnen/Studierende/Pensionistinnen
Anmeldung: Eva Brunner – [email protected] oder über die Anmeldeseite unserer Homepage.






21.-22. Jänner 2017 in Graz/Österreich

mit David MOONEY

„The very centre of your heart is where life begins“
Genau im Zentrum deines Herzens beginnt das Leben.“ Rumi

Friday January 20, 2017 is an Open Evening „Awakening the Dancer“ – 18.00-20.30 (Details see „ORGANISATION“)